Indonesian Human Rights Actions
Indonesia aims to uphold human rights in line with the United Nations Declaration and Actions in Vienna in 1993. The UN Declaration has inspired the Indonesian government to organize the Second national workshop on human rights.
The national action on human rights in Indonesia formulated in a program which has been enacted for five years, as imbued in the policy of the Indonesian five-year development program on the State Guidelines of the Republic of Indonesia.
The human rights action is expected to strengthen respect for the rights of the Indonesian people for justice as enacted in the 1945 Constitution.
There are four main pillars of the Indonesian actions on human rights namely:
- Preparation on international human rights.
- Dissemination and education of the people on human rights.
- Priority on the implementation of human rights.
- The implementation of international rules on human rights as approved by Indonesia.
The activities cover approval, dissemination and education on human rights, priorities on the implementation of human rights.
- To implement human rights as ratified on the basis of recommendations of the related government and non-government institutions.
- To further study priorities on international human rights. This is done by an inter-sector department working group.
- To prepare draft a document of the ratification. This activity is done by a small inter-departmental team.
- To understand international concepts on human rights.
- To disseminate information on international concepts on human rights.
In the first year: the Indonesian Government will organize the structure of human rights in the field of economy, social affairs and culture as the convention is against all forms of assassination, and inhuman actions. while the international convention is against all forms of racial discrimination.
In the second year: convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide. and a convention on slavery.
In the third year: the government of Indonesia approves the international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and their families.
In the fourth year: Indonesia approves an end to human exploitation and prostitution.
The fifth year covers the international convention on civil and political rights.
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